MARCH 2023

Game-Based Learning Approach in Science Education: A Meta-Analysis
1Gertrodez S. Cadiz,2Gisselle Joy R. Lacre,3Ranzely L. Delamente,4Tomas Jr A. Diquito
1,2,3,4Diquito, Tomas JR A. Digos city, Davao Delsur, Philippines (8002), Faculty Member (University of Mindanao, Digos)

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In the generation of technological advancement, students tend to have difficulty learning science education since it encompasses numerous fields, making it challenging for students to assimilate knowledge about the topic. An approach called game-based learning exhibits positive results in students' academic performance where teachers integrate a learning approach for students to engage and motivate them throughout the learning process. Since there is a lack of empirical evidence, this metaanalysis study conducted a systematic literature review that seeks to know the methods, theoretical foundations, and educational outcomes of game-based learning in science education. This study includes a document analysis of 26 empirical literature studies from 2016 to 2021. Significant findings include that (1) most articles employed quasi-experimental research design, (2) most empirical studies utilized strategy games as the game genre, (3) most learning theories associated with science game-based learning are rooted in constructivism, and (4) most commonly observed science game-based learning outcomes focus on knowledge attainment among reviewed empirical literature. Significant findings imply that game-based learning is effective and can become productive for students in science learning.


game-based learning, science education, games, meta-analysis


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